— WHITELY came to us with a plan to rebrand their company. They already had a very strong offline market reach but the ultimate goal was to attract more customers and have a stronger presence online.
So we produced a four-video advertisement series that revolve around a single character. Whitely wanted to appear as a quick, convenient, and effective teeth whitening kit that you can use anytime and anywhere. Each scenario amplifies those qualities with compelling and relatable real-life stories so that customers can easily apply themselves in similar situations.
Real-life situation storytelling makes Whitely a more approachable and accessible brand.
And below are some screenshots of WHITELY’s e-commerce website we created.

— In addition to the ad series and e-commerce launch, we produced fresh new product images to give more visuals and attraction on their website as well as social media.
Before Whitely began working with us, all they had were plain white Amazon product photos and some stock images to fill up the spaces. It’s all good and gets the point across but we needed something more than that. We needed something that resonated with the target audience.
Whitely has carefully thought out every possible thing that a customer would need and put it all in a single box at a very affordable price. We wanted to emphasize that in the images. Meticulously organized items and props give a sense of cleanliness and assurance. Pastel-like color palette complements their package design and products without overpowering them.