6 Reasons Why You Need a Video on Your Website - Especially on Your Landing Page
There’s no doubt about how important images are when it comes to grabbing our viewers’ attention. But videos are now far more effective and impactful than still images at having visitors stay on your website longer. Why? Surely they’re after all just representations of your products or services, right? Well, let’s look at why you must have a video on your website for audience retention.
1. Videos grab viewers’ attention right away - and for longer
WE CANNOT STAND a website that only has textual content, let alone on its LANDING PAGE!! Businesses are now good at putting banner images on their landing pages but did you know that it only takes 13 milliseconds for the human brain to process an entire image? If our brain can look at an image and process all that there is faster than a blink of an eye, which is still only 1/3s, then we must find a better way to retain our customers' attention for longer. And the answer is in videos. According to Wistia’s analytics, the average time spent on pages with video is a whopping 7 minutes and 21 seconds! Video is a time-based medium, meaning it is consumed over a certain amount of time. This can only lead to viewers staying on your website longer to watch and consume your content. And you might ask why having customers stay on your website for a longer period of time is good. Well, it leads to more conversions. Take a look at these two contents for example. A simple image of an espresso shot would be good for a coffee brand and it serves its purpose - it’s an espresso shot. But if we were to show the process of pulling an espresso shot, that is much more engaging and grabs the viewers’ attention right away. Had it been on the company’s landing page, the viewers would have had to stay on to watch the video, which results in a higher chance of conversion.
A simple still image of espresso shot. Serves its purpose but that’s about it.
A video of pulling an espresso shot. Much more engaging and retains viewers’ attention for longer.
2. Videos retain more information than still images
Images are also limited in terms of how much information it can contain in one single picture. Many might disagree on this, but if only 13 milliseconds are needed for a viewer to process an entire image, then I don’t know how much information can be derived from it. But a video can tell them about your product’s functionality, strengths, convenience, and your service’s ease of use all in one single video. Take the image below. It is an image of a security camera we made (not sponsored or paid by Blurams to make the image or video in any way). It shows the camera lens, shape, color, and the logo of the company. But the video shows that it can turn its head to obtain a wider viewing angle! It is a subtle but yet a huge difference between having an image and a video on your page.
A photograph of the security camera shows that it has a lens in the front, an LED light indicator, and its logo.
A short video can also shows that the product can rotate and tilt its head and the lens is covered when not in use.
3. Videos increase engagement
A study done by Adelie Studios shows that videos are shared about 1,200% more than text and images combined. How much more is there to say? Moving images are a crucial part of our online experience. They are far more entertaining to share and watch. We’ve all heard about viral videos but not so often about viral images. Start strategizing your marketing methods by incorporating videos wherever you can.
4. Videos boost your conversion rate
Let’s just get straight to the point. According to a Hubspot study, videos got 20% more clicks than images when served as a teaser for a blog post. What does that mean? It means that viewers are much more inclined to be interested in what they are looking at when watching a video. All the more reason to have a video on your website. Website’s goal is to convert your visitors into potential customers who will buy your product or service. Yes, a video might cost a bit more than photographic images but you get more potential customers with it resulting in a higher conversion and return on investment.
5. Videos can show various angles
Videos are ‘moving’ images. When advertising a product or service, a stand-alone image is not capable of showing different angles and sides of your product or service. Users are required to scroll through multiple images in order to do so. But a video can help do that in one sitting. All they need to do is just look. Take a look at this short 2-second video of a coke bottle turning. Within 2 seconds, we’ve been able to show the round side of a coke bottle as well as incorporate icy and snowy visual effects and sound effects to further portray the icy cold refreshing imagery of Coke Zero. (We were not paid, sponsored, or endorsed by The Coca Cola Company in any way to make this content). We simply took out a coke zero from our fridge and made this to demonstrate our point.
A short 2 second video shows different angles of Coke Zero with icy and snowy effects added for dramatic purpose.
A simple foreground picture of Coke Zero.
6. Videos establish brand identity
Lastly, videos will help establish your brand identity. I’m not saying that still images cannot. Videos are just more effective at it. Constant scene cuts and visual stimulation of a video is bound to have your audience stay and retain more about the brand identity. Whitely is a teeth whitening kit company that targets young women as their target audience. Therefore, we have come up with a 4 story ad series about a young woman in various stages of her day to tell the audience about what it looks like to use Whitely products. You take care of yourself and your health. You have a balanced personal and professional lifestyle. Also, Whitely products allow you to take care of your oral aesthetics without going to the dentist and paying thousands of dollars.
If you are thinking about how to improve your brand presence and go to the next step for your business, contact us now. Let’s talk. We will help you convert more customers and tell the world about you and what your business or brand stands for.